SIGNATURE STYLE

 To find your style, by this I mean a signature style more like your uniform, by this I dont mean school uniforms but a certain way of dressing that may be used to describe YOU. It's important to find your signature style; for self satisfaction and makes you more professional and I strongly advice you to make a point of identifying your style. In case you don't have a signature style, imma take you through the steps.
     Now that you've found your body shape, it's important when you choose your signature style to consider your body shape( see first post)  Some of you already have a signature style you just need someone to guide you! lucky you I got your back

                      1. Find your favorite outfits

Here pick out the clothes you really like and the ones you wear most.
Carefully think why these clothes are your favorite, is it the colour? is it the details? and how these clothes make you feel.
Take note of all these, it'll help when purchasing your garments
for me when I wear certain type of clothes, I am photogenic, coz it makes me confident!

                    2. Organize your closet

This is a whole topic on its own and be sure I'll talk about it, for now with the few clothes you've chosen organize your closet to your liking just to ensure there's some sort of a system.
For me I put dresses together, blazers together, and so on..then further arrange them in the order of colors neutrals, darker shades then bright colored...either way everyone has their own organization skills

                3. Find brands that fit your style and fit your lifestyle

Ensure that your style is pocket friendly by this I mean the brand that you choose to buy your garments that offer your style is what you can afford.
Here in Kenya for example denims in Levi are more expensive when you compare denims from Mr. price. In case these two places are waaay to much for your pocket consider second hand market places like Gikomba and Toy market.
Either way we all get what we want and not at the expense of our pocket
this whole outfit cost me less than  a thousand bob just coz i bought them at a thrift shop. in levi it goes for more than 6k for reals!

                4. Have an inspiration board

You can scrap book all these or download an organization app that will help you with this. You should identify a fashion icon and keep tabs on their fashion and only pick what matches your first favorite outfits you picked.
I use pinterest, (take a look at my boards @ DeeDecorNdesigns) its a good way to organise what I inspire to have in my closet and is always corresponding to my shopping list. For the record always have a shopping list and you should update it once you've bought some of the stuff

     I hope this will help you find your style, as for me I'm still figuring out so there's no pressure..Baby steps and you'll get there, you and me both!



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